Why Jim Carrey Dumped His Facebook Stock, Deleted His Page & Is Calling For A Facebook Boycott

Facebook has been under fire all year as a new change to will again take pages and businesses out of the newsfeed and replace them with more ‘friends’ posts. A move that apparently users asked for even though Facebook has provided no proof of that.

In fact, Facebook is the only one set to gain from this move as now businesses will have to pay even more to reach an audience they worked so hard to build. Further, users will no longer see any of the content they took the time and energy to say they wanted to see.

This leaves Facebook in the midst of a transition that will likely bury themselves as they are making their platform less useful to users. You see, users decided how they wanted to use Facebook when they began sharing and putting information out that they saw from brands they love. Yet, Facebook feels it knows what users want more, and is now taking that all away.

I have called this  Facebook’s start to their own downfall. They’ve chosen constant growth and profit over user experience, instead of a sustainable business model that also aligns with its users. And users can see this, in fact,  that they don’t know how Facebook works nor how to control what they want to see.

Now Facebook has come under attack again as a tweet coming from the conscious mind of Jim Carrey states he will be dumping his Facebook stock and deleting his Facebook page because he feels it’s unacceptable that Facebook profited off of Russian advertisements in Facebook about the US election.

Russian Ad Buying On Facebook
Of course Jim is referring to the information that came out about on Facebook during the 2016 US election. Facebook and Twitter had revealed that Kremlin-linked groups were buying advertisements on both social media platforms during the 2016 presidential election. The ads appeared to push voters away from Hillary Clinton and instead towards Donald Trump, Jill Stein, or Bernie Sanders.

Whether or not you agree that this made a difference in the election, which it likely did not, some are not happy about it.

It’s unclear whether or not Jim is unhappy with Trump’s election or if he more so is trying to hold Facebook accountable for its unconscious actions in allowing another country to create advertisements that could sway voter decisions, but nonetheless he has something to say.

“We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms,” Carrey stated in a “This easy access has to be more responsibly handled. What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight is needed. What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience.” 

By Joe Martino



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