We Are All Born Psychic, 5 Steps To Reconnect To Source

For a long time now the thought has been that you have to be special or gifted in order to be psychic,
but nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, I often tell clients that we are all born psychic and that the only difference is that we either allow or block our access to Source as conduits.

To this answer I often get the question: “How do we allow ourselves to flow with Source?”

Here are five easy steps to embrace your gifts as a psychic:

1. Allow yourself to become aware that you are a part of Source by verbally repeating: “Source and I are One, We are One with All”.

2. Repeat to yourself: “I am gifted beyond my physical senses and allow my spiritual senses to open up and guide me and other”.

3. At least once a day walk barefoot on the Earth and say: “The planet and I are connected to my purpose”.

4. Sit or stand as you consciously become still to center and ground before asking for guidance to flow to you and through you from Source for self or others.

5. When you get a psychic impression mentally ask: “What does it mean?”, then journal your first impressions that come to you from any of the activated higher senses by trust.

In the beginning, the 5 steps will seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice and trust – Without force – you will get the answers that you seek as psychic conduit of Source.

Remember to always approach this with Love and for the better good of all seeking guidance. The more you allow, the clearer the flow will be.

By P.C. Rall .

Source: in5d

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