New Zealand Now Recognizes ALL Animals As Sentient Beings!

New Zealand has just set a great example to the world by recognizing what animal lovers have known forever- that our furry friends are as sentient as we are, and (obviously, dur) they have feelings just like we do. It’s a theme we have covered time and again here at True…

Norway Becomes World’s First Country To Ban Deforestation

Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government’s public procurement policy will be deforestation-free. Any product that contributes to deforestation will not be used in the Scandinavian country. The pledge was recommended by Norwegian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Energy and Environment as part of the Action…

Watch: These Monkeys Reaction To Magic Is Absolutely Phenomenal

Say what you like, but sometimes the Internet really delivers. I felt like I was given a gift the first time I saw this video of “monkeys responding to a basic magic tricks”. This just has to be mentioned; Some of the monkeys/primates look like almost any of us would feel…