Having Sex VS Making Love: The Real Difference Between the Two

Sex and making love are two very different things to most people. What are each of these for you?

Making love is a much more emotional experience than merely having sex. The act of intercourse itself is just something of bodily pleasure where-as love making soothes the soul. Love making is a very spiritual process even for those who are not spiritually inclined. It brings us closer and helps us build a much more intense connection with the person we are engaging with.

Sex is simply instinctive and can be had regardless of the lack of emotion or connection. Now, for some this emotionless physical experience is enough, but for others, something more is craved. Making love, as the name suggests, is an expression of love. It is far more complex than intercourse itself.

Sex is all about getting off and making love is about enjoying the moment and really getting to the next level together. Love making is using more than just your genitals to access one another on an emotional level. Don’t get me wrong, I am not bashing casual, consensual sex if that is what you enjoy and want to do feel free to go for it. I am merely asking, is that enough?

“Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred about it. When your sex becomes love, then it is entering into a totally different dimension – the dimension of the mysterious and the miraculous. Now it is becoming religious, sacred, it is no longer profane.” ~ Osho

When you make love you let someone see you in your most vulnerable state and you share things others would never be able to imagine. Making love goes far beyond the rose petals and candles that chick flicks make it out to be. Making love is a sacred experience. It is bridging a gap between the mind and body. It is letting go of all that you think you know and being present in the moment.

The orgasm you reach at the end of sex is merely the beginning when it comes to love-making. It is an expression of something divine. Sex can drive people crazy but making love can bring people together. Of course, conversely, sex can become love-making over time.

What do you think the difference is between sex and making love? Do you agree with the points I am making? Making love is just so much more to me. It happens between two people who care for one another and have a connection where-as sex is just something people do for fun.


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Via AwarenessAct.com

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