How Capricorn Season Will Affect Your Love Life In The Next Few Weeks


In search of what is important!
Starting on Christmas, Venus will likely urge you to ask just the right questions and to reflect on the commitments you have made recently, in the past, or that are lacking in your life and measure the impact they will (or will not) have on yourself and your future. This will be a period of questioning that won’t exactly be “fun” but will be important for the future nonetheless!Don’t settle for less at the end of this year when the stars (and Saturn, specifically) will raise the stakes in your business and professional life. This strict planet will not only bring you face to face (on the 20th) with grand challenges at work but will also give you the chance to carve out a place for yourself and defend it, friend Aries, while raising your standards in love, too. Though you will try to stick to reality and not let the wool be pulled over your eyes (to satisfy a need?) around the 10th, you won’t miss out on a positive encounter or a major agreement with your partner on the 15th, when exchange will be intense and your desire to use dialog to come to an agreement will be strengthened. You can hope (on the 20th) to rediscover the wonder and passion you enjoyed at the beginning of your relationship or to strengthen your bond in one way or another. If you are single, keep your eyes – and heart – open!


A promising end to the year!
Starting on the 25th, Venus will cross paths with strict Saturn. This will be a time for us to take stock, ask ourselves what really matters in life, separate the essential from the superfluous, and continue on your path with full knowledge of the facts, whether this is in love or in business. A notable event at the start of the month (on the 3rd) will be a harmonious celestial rainbow that might push some to skip ahead, make a commitment, recommit, and invite your partner to follow you off on an adventure and accomplish great things together!You will end a period of change and transformation that won’t always be the most pleasant, friend Taurus, and might contain a few renunciations or at least a change of course, skin, or life! On December 20th, Saturn will leave the domain of your chart devoted to grand transformations to be brought about or simply suffered so that you can make progress, forge ahead, and break, in one way or another, with the past! This month will be focused on making ends meet and jumping on the bandwagon, keeping up with the pace – or kicking it up a notch! Count on Venus to put some electricity in the air and speed along what needs to be. This is a month that will expand your appetites of all sorts and/or put you in the hot seat, making you want to shake up the rules, reverse the current trend, and fully express your own desires and fantasies.


Search your soul!
Starting on the 23rd, Saturn will put the values that you share (or not anymore) under moral, spiritual, and material pressure It will be up to you to make the transformations you need to or put up with certain restrictions that will give you the chance to figure out if you are truly attached to your partner – and why! Saturn might not exactly be giving you any gifts, but you can count on this great teacher of the zodiac to help you separate what is truly important to you from what isn’t! In December, Venus will take it upon itself, it seems, to ease interactions and understanding, urging you to open up and listen to the world around you. Now is the ideal moment, friend Gemini, to search your heart and reach out to others! Since December 2016, Saturn has been forcing you to take a close look at your relationship with your partner and others in general, too. Under this demanding planet’s watch, cheating or trying to skip over the truth will be of no use. It seems more useful to give our own emotions, and our partners’, an autopsy in order to determine if the relationship still makes sense, if it still fulfills its functions, and still meets the expectations you had at the beginning. If it resists this end-of-year exam, it will come out the other side stronger. If you feel that it no longer makes sense for you or is holding its promises, you might be tempted to break it off.


The stakes are high!
Starting on the 20th, Saturn will enter the domain of your chart dedicated to relationships. No more skipping over the discord and differences of opinion between you and your parnter. The time has come to closely examine the bond that unites you with your partner so that you can go over it with a fine-tooth comb. In the end, your relationship will come out stronger and more mature. If not, you will move on to something else. In the meantime, and in December, you will increase your drive and willpower to run your daily life smoothly and get in tune. Venus will urge you to smooth things over, friend Cancer, and to do everything in your power to make life grand. You can also count on Jupiter to help you express your feelings and rekindle the flame. This is your chance to take on this difficult mission imposed by Saturn as peacefully as possible by stocking up on tenderness, put some energy back into your love-life, and spicing up your love-life! So count on this celestial support to strengthen your couple or to find that special someone. Each one of us will get ready in our own way to take on the challenges Saturn imposes on them, who has given you every chance of moving forward, of maturing, and thriving together!


A sunny winter!
Love and joy in the air this December? Venus only has eyes for you and will exalt your passions, favoring new encounters and helping you rekindle the flame! The Sun will also shine its light upon your heart up until the 21st and could make a few sparks fly. You will yearn to create a family or to expand the one you already have, to declare your love, to jump into romance. Don’t be afraid of take the leap this month. This summery winter conjuncture will enable you to shine your own light, winning over others and fully enjoying the present! If you have to make a decision about settling down, your lover, or your children, don’t rush anything: from the 3rd on, you might run into a few roadblocks or differences of opinion about your plans. You will, however, eventually overcome between now and the end of the month (especially after the 23rd) or mid-January when nothing will seem able to break your stride! Saturn, however, who has been putting you under pressure and forcing you to take a critical look at your romantic life since December 2016, will clear the way for you after the 20th! You have grown up, matured, and can now make something of the often harsh lessons you have learned. It will now be up to you to apply them, friend Leo, not only so that your bonds and relationships will be more fulfilling but also so that they will last…


In search of meaning!
From the 20th on, it will be time to deeply reflect and question (on the 21st, 25th). You tend to take everything seriously, including both your own feelings and your partner’s as well, and will be much more concerned with figuring out exactly where you are in your relationship with your partner than with dabbling in romance!Under Saturn‘s watchful eye, you have reordered your priorities and are now capable of getting to know yourself better as an individual within your environment both at home and at work, at times by questioning your past and its influence (for better or for worse) on your identity. This strict planet will urge you, from the 20th on, to take a strong stance towards other people! It is time to come out of your shell and finally assert yourself, freed from the residue of the past, which has been restricting your personality. Between now and December 2020, you will have to search your heart and take a close look at the manner in which you approach love, friend Virgo, so that you can figure out if you still agree with your usual or current choices. In December, you will, first off, feel the temptation to improve your relationships and will also enjoy a lenient, gentle astral conjuncture that will be support your desire for harmony. Don’t hesitate to engage in dialog with your partner so that you can clear up any problem areas that might disturb the peace (on the 10th)! You will do everything in your power to get things moving in the right direction at home and with your family.


Exchanges will be favored!
From the 20th on, Saturn will be in the area of your chart dedicated to family, home, and your roots. This is likely your chance to face problems that are still not entirely resolved and to look back at your family history to learn more about yourself and your loved ones. You are certain to have to step into action, taking on challenges, heavy burdens, and responsibilities that come your way. Saturn will ask you to examine your foundation to see if it is solid and to undergo the profound questioning (of yourself and your family) that goes along with it.In December, Venus will invite you to reach out to anyone and everyone. This delightful planet should help you get your message across tactfully, friend Libra, and build cordial relations with those around you, who are sure to appreciate your kindness. You will use your ability to rally support to bring everyone together, close ranks, and meet interesting new people (and more, too, if you hit it off). In fact, though your attention might seem to be more captivated by working on your professional life, you won’t have any less desire to please your loved ones and won’t miss your chance to open up and listen to anyone over the coming month, when you won’t run short of things to do.


Got a sweet tooth?
Venus will exalt your desires in December. Up until the 25th, this delightful planet will make you want it all, friend Scorpio, but especially to enjoy the present to the fullest! You will yearn to express your potential and your overflowing sensuality, too. While some will watch their material appetites grow (for more money, for example), others will try to just have some fun and will put their desire for romance front and center. In fact, since October, Jupiter has been increasing your desire for recognition and to do as you please, and, starting on the 9th, demanding Mars will push you to demand your own share of joy, happiness, and what is yours in general! You can count on the celestial climate being rather favorable to your own personal fulfillment, allowing you to do as you please and to end this month (and year) on a high note! Take note: Saturn will show up in the area of your chart dedicated to communication, especially with those close to you! This strict planet will influence those in  2018. This might your chance to make your relationships more rational and to start a new stage of life right away that just might ask you to change the way you do things, even if it means changing the mood or your surroundings a little!


A sunny winter!
You possess breathtaking charm and yearn to no longer pass unnoticed. Rest assured: you should get to make a strong impression on everyone in December, when you will not only be intent on pleasing them all but also doing everything in your power to improve life for yourself and those around you, pushing your family life in a different direction! You will not only strive to use your obvious influence to win support and sympathy but will also know, without a problem, just what to do and say, friend Sagittarius, to influence whoever you want! This month will be devoted to Sagittarius’ influence (and thus yours, too), which could help you start a new stage of growth and evolution (starting on your birthday) under the best of auspices! Saturn, who has been forcing you since December 2016 to forge your own personality by taking lessons from the past into account while clipping your wings, will finally go away! This strict planet will now urge you to get your finances – and your values – in order! Only those in the 1st decan will receive this influence for now, which will force them (from the 20th on) to concretely put into practice what they have had the chance to learn!


You won’t take love (or anything else) lightly!
In fact, starting on the 20th, Saturn will be in your sign (1st decan only for now) and should enable you to show just how mature you’ve become. Though this won’t really make for grand shows of enthusiasm and energy, it will help you trace your own personal route, one that you have maturely reflected upon and that ought to put your more in touch with yourself and on the path towards your ultimate aims!
Venus, crouched in the shadows of your sign until the 25th, will invite you to gain some distance and perspective on your emotions and the past year, friend Capricorn, so that you can learn from them and figure out what is truly important to you in romance! No need for great shows of emotion this December. Instead, examine the state of your relationship and your romantic life so that you can move on to a new stage of emotional growth (starting on the 5th) wiser than before! You have nothing to fear as long as you carefully avoid any slight communication problems with those around you on the 10th, when you won’t be easily understood by anyone. If you take the time to explain to your loved ones that you are more focused on thinking than on indulging in love, you should get to make it out on top and win their support in the end! You will tend to express your feeling and emotions with more restraint (and depth?), too!


The future’s in sight!
Your eyes are turned towards the future, and your heart is full of plans (a new stage in your life, a move, having a child…?). This is what is on the agenda this December, friend Aquarius, and it will take up most of your time and energy if you want to accomplish it all without waiting! Venus will favor your romantic endeavors, at least up until the 25th. You will seem to enjoy benevolent, even promising, circumstances that should help you see your plans through to the end and do whatever you please with whoever you love! You will manage to whip up enthusiasm from those around you, galvanizing everyone whether it be your friends, children, lover, or someone you have your eye on! You will use this strong popularity to conclude negotiations or discussions that have been dragging on and that you can hope to end by mid-January, enabling you to move forward without waiting any longer! For now, only those in the 1st decan will welcome in Saturn who, starting on the 20th, will settle into the sun’s shadow until December 2018. This is their chance to look back over their past and learn valuable lessons from it, getting rid of anything that might still be stifling their evolution whether inside or out!


Turn towards the future!
It is at work, without a doubt, that you will use your charm in December to boost your popularity and get what you are after. You yearn to expand your horizons and bring discussions concerning your current situation and your future to an end. Count on your intuition and powers of persuasion to help you succeed and to make an ideal of yours a reality! You will have all the energy you need to spread your wings and get what you need to secure your foundations and improve your living conditions. Whether you are already in a relationship or still alone, your challenge this month will be to plead your case in business rather than in love. From the 25th on, however, Venus will urge you to get closer to your friends and to dream up big romantic plans for the future! This way, you can hope to end the year in excellent company and on a high note. Especially since Saturn, who has been weighing heavy on you since December 2016 and putting pressure on you at work, will move away from your skies starting on the 20th (and from the area of your chart related to business activity and your professional destiny), seeing to it that your long-term plans now get the support they need. This is, without a doubt, your chance to lay the foundations for a world and environment (both in your romantic and professional lives) that pleases you, little by little, friend Pisces, and to discover new, long-lasting prospects that might bring you security and meet your most essential needs!

Source: free-horoscope

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