Select A Sun Totem To Receive A Wisdom Message For This Week

Take a moment close your eyes then pick the sun that you’re drawn to.

Sun 1

There are times when the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your consciousness so that you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life. Consider why pruning a tree is the forerunner of delighting in the beautiful blooms when it is in full blossom. The mundane act of pulling off dead leaves, watering the soil, and then leaving it be to let nature take its course is an important step in manifestation. Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into a state of receptivity. This is the deeper purpose for releasing attachment. When you engage in everyday tasks in a meditative, contemplative way, you clear your energy to receive your “Aha!” moments, which brings you ever closer to what you seek.

Sun 2

You are meant to evolve and transform with the companionship of others. Certain people enter into your life in order to take you to the next level of healing, consciousness, and authenticity. It is always a reciprocal experience, although the results for each of you will vary. You know these people by the strong pull drawing you toward them—and sometimes by a strong aversion to them initially, too. Soul mates can be friends for life, or remain in your life for only a short time. No matter what, you will be changed in ways you can’t possibly fathom now. Pay attention to these people today. They are your greatest gifts.

Sun 3

You may not consider yourself a creative person, but in fact you are creating your reality every moment of every day via your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, and actions. Yet you must consider that you do so in partnership with Spirit, Consciousness, God, or whatever name you call your Higher Power. You are a spark of this Intelligence that works through you, nudging you with inspired thought and intuitive guidance. You are a paintbrush that co-creates a beautiful, unique expression of your own individuality blended with universal Spirit. You are a product of Divine inspiration, and now you’re aligned with it to create miracles. When you view your life as art, and know you co-create it, only beauty and grace result. Prepare to be amazed.

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