A Powerful Gemini Super Full Moon Ritual For The Last Full Moon Of 2017

The Super Full Moon in Gemini falls on December 3rd and will be guiding us all to reflect on the year gone by and to celebrate our achievements.

Life is simply a string of experiences. We are here to learn things, to share things, and to expand our wisdom and our hearts. It is important that we take time to honor this, and honor the progress we are making.

A lot of people feel that they are behind, or that they should be somewhere that they are not. But we are always right where we need to be.

The intention of this ritual is to celebrate the achievements of the year past. No matter what happened, or what transpired, whether you feel the events were good or bad, you deserve to congratulate yourself for all that you achieved, all that you learnt, and all that you experienced.

Gemini Full Moon Ritual for Honoring Where You Are
This ritual is best done between December 1-15, 2017.

You will need:

Pen and Paper
Bowl of Water
10 Flowers (you can also use leaves or a combination of both)

1.) As always, before doing any ritual it is important to cleanse your energy and your surroundings. This helps you to create a protective and clean space to do the energy work. Smudging using sage, palo santo or even incense sticks can be highly effective. If you need, here are some detailed instructions on how to do this.

2.) Light your candle and place your other ritual ingredients in front of you. Stand up and stretch, move and shake your body out. Take some deep breaths as you do this. Now, sit or lay down and try to still your mind by focusing on your breath. Take 20 deep breaths here.

3.) Once you feel calm and relaxed, take your pen and paper and write down the names of the month. Under each month, reflect on what happened, how you felt, what you achieved, what mistakes you made- just write whatever comes to your mind. Allow your mind to let go and just write from your heart.

4.) After reflecting on the year gone by, observe any thoughts, feelings or emotions that have arisen. Allow any emotions, particularly any painful ones to rise to the surface, allow yourself to feel them and breathe through them. When you feel ready, write your own mantra or repeat the one below three times while placing your hands over your heart-

“I forgive and let go of the things that I thought I should have done, and the things that did not go the way that I expected them to. I trust that whatever has unfolded is for my highest good and the good of the Universe. I forgive myself. I release myself. I love myself.”

5.) Now make a list of 10 things you did this year that made you a better person or helped you to improve your life. Basically, you want to make a list of at least 10 positive things that you learnt, changed or did through the course of the year. They can be simple or they can be grand, the idea is that you want to honor yourself and your progress.

6.) Next pick up a flower, place your other hand over your heart and then repeat- “I honor myself for (item on your list), Thank you”, then place the flower into the water. Really allow any emotions to come up and allow yourself to really feel the gratitude for whatever it is that you learnt/accomplished. Keep repeating this process for all 10 items on your list.

7.) Once all your flowers are in the bowl, place your hands on the outside of the bowl and repeat the following affirmation-

“I celebrate myself for the year gone by and all that I have achieved. I am proud of myself for all that I have accomplished and know that I am exactly where I need to be”

8.) Leave the bowl of flowers somewhere you can see them. Admire your bowl for it’s symbolic of your achievements and just how far you have come! Feel free to decorate or add to your bowl if you wish. When you are ready, or when the flowers start to wilt you can discard it all outside back into the earth.

Happy Full Moon!


via Forever Conscious 

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