How Drugs And Alcohol Can Severely Damage Your Aura

If youre a fun person, you probably agree that drinking and doing drugs equals having a great time.

The metaphysical reason for this is because when you do a drug that gets you high, your aura will expand to contain your souls energy, which rises up and expands rapidly when youre under the influence. (You probably know what Im talking about if youve done LSD)

Image result for aura damage

How does occasional drug and alcohol use affect your vibrational level? Are the effects temporary or are they damaging to your energy? The possibility has been long debated, and we are going to debate it more right now. 

It has long been known that both drugs, (pharmaceutical and recreational) as well as alcohol expand the energy field of your body very rapidly. Our aura is our form of energetic protection, so when we consume something that makes us high, our soul energy literally rises out of our body (we get high) and our aura will expand very rapidly trying to contain our energy. Which, oftentimes, creates a spiderweb like effect with holes and tears in our aura. Holes and tears in the aura allow negative energies to sneak in. Think of your body as an energetic ozone layer! 

Not all drugs (aspirin, etc.) expand the energy field. However, anything that makes you feel HIGH means that your energy is rising and your soul begins to bleed out of the energy field into other people’s space. This is NOT always a good thing.

In addition, if you have ever had a hangover or felt the after side effects of drugs then you can feel your level of vibration! It feels terrible when your vibration is very low. The hangover can be temporary, but if you expanded your energy to the point where you left your body, then other energies can come in and make good use of your body! Have you ever watched someone go from happy go lucky to violent in a short period of time while they are under the influence? This is characteristic of energy invasion and this energy will most likely remain with this person until it is removed through some time of energy work or soul clearing.

Is that is the reason why alcohol is called Spirits?

When the aura is ripped, it creates a hole for negative influences to come in.

This is a great metaphysical explanation for why youve never met a drug addict with pristine boundary-setting skills.

When your aura is weakened, it literally creates a vacuum for people, situations and experiences that could drain you of your energy and vitality, which could further weaken your aura.

You know when you wake up so hungover that you cant bring yourself to leave the house?

Sure, your body physically needs the rest, but that urge to take a few days in isolation to repair the internal damage also translates to your energy body.

When you spend some time in solitude after a night out partying, youre also keeping yourself out of the way of things that could seriously damage your spiritual progress.

So, dont feel guilty, ignore the FOMO or whatever and keep doing you.

While drugs and alcohol are (I believe) actually very useful tools that provide a window into higher spiritual realms, they are only meant to be a glimpse of whats there.

The feeling of getting high or drunk is like a preview of what could be possible naturally through intense spiritual work.

And if its possible to feel high on a placebo pill, then its definitely possible to achieve that same feeling through your own spiritual practice, like having sex!

Want to know more? This video explains everything in depth. Enjoy!

h/t to EsotericOnline

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