How You Are Most Likely To Die Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You don’t need to be a self-proclaimed goth to have a fascination with death. The mysterious beyond intrigues us all, as no one knows what happens to us after we cross over to the other side (if there even is another side). People do everything they can to delay their own death, but the truth is death is a fact of life that everyone will have to face at some point.


Though death is inevitable, not everyone sees it coming. Many people often enjoy their youth thinking that they have plenty of time before the end comes and are blindsided by a sudden disease or a tragic accident. Then there are other people who live their whole lives carefully and in constant fear of death and miss out on everything that life has to offer them.


Whatever your approach is to death, at some point everyone has to come to terms with their own mortality. The phenomenon is inescapable and it’s healthy to think about it once in a while and to accept it as a normal part of life. Read on to find out how you most likely to die based on your sign.


#1 Aries

Aries (Pixabay)
Aries (Pixabay)

“Live fast, die young” seems to be the motto of this fiery sign, as people under Aries tend to meet their maker while engaged in thrilling or stupidly dangerous activities. Whether it’s accidentally setting themselves on fire while lighting candles with their farts or jumping out of a plane without a parachute, they’re going to go out with a bang, and probably a thud and a crack, too.


#2 Taurus

Taurus (Pixabay)
Taurus (Pixabay)

Tauruses are going to die at home, probably in the kitchen, from a freak accident. They either fall off a stool trying to reach a cupboard that’s too high for them, or they eat food way past its expiry date because they refuse to waste it, or they accidentally cut their finger off while trying to open some extremely tough packaging and end up bleeding to death.


#3 Gemini

Gemini (Pixabay)
Gemini (Pixabay)

Geminis will probably get overwhelmed while multitasking and end up making a fatal error. You might be trying to eat a sandwich while talking on the phone and driving at the same time and miss the gigantic truck looming up from the right. Or you may be texting and walking in a construction zone and accidentally fall into a gaping hole in the ground.


#4 Cancer

Cancer (Pixabay)
Cancer (Pixabay)

Cancers are probably going to get depressed and waste away because they were rejected or had their heart broken or couldn’t handle a huge loss. All their stress and anxiety and the self-destructive behavior they will engage in as a result of their sadness will take a huge toll on their health, and they’ll probably end up with heart disease, lung cancer, or liver cirrhosis.


#5 Leo

Leo (Pixabay)
Leo (Pixabay)

Whenever you hear about someone getting killed while taking a selfie, it’s probably a Leo. Leos are probably going to be distracted by their reflection in the window of a shop and walk into the path of a speeding bus. Or they’re going to be whipping their hair around and get it accidentally caught in some heavy machinery. However they go, you know it’s going to be dramatic.


#6 Virgo

Virgo (Pixabay)
Virgo (Pixabay)

There are laws in place limiting how long people can work in a day because a Virgo died after sitting in office 72 hours in a row trying to meet a deadline two weeks away. Virgos give themselves more stress than they can handle, and then crumble under the weight, either succumbing to a heart condition or lowering their immunity to the point where even the common cold turns deadly.


#7 Libra

Libra (Pixabay)
Libra (Pixabay)

Libras are going to die on the operating table after a nose job goes awry. Or they’re going to drown in the Atlantic Ocean because they’re too busy saving their lover from a shipwreck to put on a life jacket. “Beauty is pain” and “love hurts” are two idioms that are taken to the extreme by Libras. They may starve themselves to death trying to achieve the perfect figure or accidentally poison themselves with arsenic trying to get the perfect complexion.


#8 Scorpio

Scorpio (Pixabay)
Scorpio (Pixabay)

Scorpios will die a mysterious death that will make it to Reddit discussions and creepypastas. People will always be wondering what happened, or it will be so intriguing that people will talk about it for years to come. You’ll be throttled at the hands of the lover you were sent to assassinate, or accidentally fall off a balcony while engaging in some high-risk lovemaking, or even commit suicide and make it seem like murder.


#9 Sagittarius

Sagittarius (Pixabay)
Sagittarius (Pixabay)

A Sagittarius will have a lonely death far away from home, surrounded by the shamans of an exotic tribe they discovered while wading through a murky swamp filled with alligators and mosquitoes. If it isn’t the sleeping sickness you got from a tsetse fly in Africa or a parasite that lodged itself in your nether regions in the Amazon, it’s probably the deadly combination of malaria, dengue, and elephantiasis that you got in the jungles of Southeast Asia.


#10 Capricorn

Capricorn (Pixabay)
Capricorn (Pixabay)

Capricorns will live to a ripe old age and slowly fade away while their family members look on. You will refuse a last drink of water or shrug off a final kiss on the cheek and grumble about the temperature of the room, or complain about how many people are blocking your view of the door. You’ll glare at everyone as you gasp out your final breaths and pass on with a disappointed sigh.


#11 Aquarius

Aquarius (Pixabay)
Aquarius (Pixabay)

Aquariuses will get trampled while holding a baby up out of harm’s way during a stampede, or they’ll hold the door open for a stranger who will take them hostage during a robbery gone wrong. If they’re not dying helping other people, they’ll probably have liver failure because of their wild lifestyle, or end up in a morgue due to alcohol poisoning.


#12 Pisces

Pisces (Pixabay)
Pisces (Pixabay)

Pisces will drink their blues away and then drink their lives away if they manage to survive the near-death experiences they have while daydreaming. They’ll leave the iron on and go write a poem about a tap-dancing unicorn, and then get trapped in their house as it burns down. Or they’ll close their eyes and drift away as their favorite song plays in their ears while walking down the street, and get run over by a traveling circus.


Source: the daily net

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