The Heart of the Triple Eclipse Portal is Now Behind Us, Part 2


With the , two triple lunar portals closed at the same time:

(1) The Triple Super New Moon Portal ()
(2) The Triple Eclipse Portal

These movements of energy show cycles within cycles and a beautifully choreographed overture of overlapping energetic transformation gateways. With this post we will look at the Triple Eclipse Portal.


The August 11th Partial Solar Eclipse was the last of 3 eclipses spanning July and August 2018. The others occurred on July 12 (which was a Partial Solar Eclipse and Super New Moon) and July 27 (which was a Total Lunar Eclipse full moon)


Eclipses come in pairs – unless they are a triplicity as this portal was. Each eclipse set is like a set of parentheses. A Triple Eclipse Portal is especially powerful in this regard. The energy arc goes something like this:
(1) The first eclipse is the opening parenthesis – THE WORD GOES FORTH. (July 12)
(2) The middle eclipse is the heart, between the two brackets – THE BEATING HEART RHYTHM PULSES OUTWARD (July 27)
(3) The last eclipse is the closing parenthesis – THE WORD DESCENDS (Aug 11)
So the question is: What did the tri-eclipse entity have to say?
What are the parting words of the eclipse portal of the Summer 2018 for you?

The energies of Mars and Pluto characterized the Heart of the Triple Eclipse Portal.
(1) The solar eclipse that opened the 3-eclipse arc had a remarkable connection with Pluto; and
(2) Mars – closer right now than it has been since 2003 (and 60,000 years before that!) – was deeply present at the CORE of the entire summer: the July 27 Total Lunar Eclipse.
Mars and Pluto are associated with the lower chakras, ie our lower nature. Specifically the unintegrated dark within us, and the desire for war. Of course these energies can and ARE used on higher levels.
Combined with the 3 Dark/Super moons within this portal, however, it is very likely we interacted with our dark side or some sort of unintegrated shadow aspect somewhere in life. We saw the drama played out on the world stage in stark detail in the swirl of these energies when they are used UNCONSCIOUSLY.
When used consciously, which I’m sure many many of you reading this did, it was about learning to manage our energy, thinking up a new plan of inspired action, aligning our real-world goals with our spiritual nature, and channeling anger/war into assertiveness/ harmony.
Pluto’s presence was especially poignant here as it opened the portal and set the tone. Pluto at its highest level is about EVOLUTION, spiritual evolution. It’s the process of caterpillar to butterfly. You may be in the middle of such a process right now.
We are still in the midst of both Mercury and Mars Retrograde right now (until August 19 and August 27 respectively) so things will make more sense at that time.
In the meantime we can keep it simple: what do you feel excited, joyful and happy about right now that most likely you weren’t conscious of one month ago?

What makes your heart sing, and fires you up for the future? It can be a seemingly small theme. Pull the thread. Think of ONE THING (or more if the energy is flowing for you). This is your gift from the portal. And who needs more than that?

Free yourself from the limitations others have placed on you.

Two of the three eclipses in the portal were along the Leo Aquarius axis in the zodiac. The July 27 Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon activated a trajectory of futuristic possibilities which will unfurl themselves over the next two years (and 18 years ultimately).
You may have had a flash of the future, as you want it to be, or as you see it coming and DON’T want it to be. Or maybe you received an idea for a change/changes you would like to make. Put a pin in that. Again, when the retrogrades end at the end of August we will have much more clarity.
Leo is associated with the self, the shining self. Aquarius is the sign of the group and your place as an equal member, in a circle of democracy. Both are interested in the ways that we each are UNIQUE.
Importantly, Aquarius needs to be free and will NOT be fettered. It’s time to unshackle yourself from the limitations and expectations others have placed on you. Life is short. Do your own thing! Make a commitment to this now. Set your intention to be YOU, no matter what.

Hey, maybe you have a vague recollection of this but probably not: remember how last August there was oh I don’t know some sort of like major big deal eclipse over the United States?
There may have been like media hype for weeks as well as millions of posts by astrologers like me flooding your newsfeed and inbox. Remember that?
Remember when you wore those funny glasses and stared up at the sky for a few hours or minutes and ooh’ed and ahh’d?
Yep THAT happened – one year ago – on August 21, 2017. We called it THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE. It was a totally powerful totally spectacular totally solar eclipse!
At this anniversary, I am thinking about how that eclipse affected the United States because its pathway cut the country in half – from coast to coast, Oregon to South Carolina.
Total Solar Eclipses bring big change to the countries they visit. Those of us living here are swept up in that change as it continues to unfold – literally for the 18 years going forward. It’s pretty HOT in its expression.
So anyway, heads up — there is another GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE coming to the United States – in2024. These two powerful eclipses are 7 years apart.

The 2024 eclipse cuts a path across the entire US also but not the same path: it makes an X when combined with the 2017 eclipse. X MARKS THE SPOT.
But wait there’s more! There are actually THREE United States Eclipses spanning the first half of the 21st century – the third one occurring in 2045. This is quite telling.
The massive change that the United States and her citizens are embroiled in now will continue to unfold apace during the 28-year arc of the decade-spanning USA TRIPLE ECLIPSE PORTAL. By 2024 things will be very different here. And by 2045, it will be a completely new ball game.

A Look Ahead: here are the dates of the Summer of 2018 Triple Eclipse Portal as I conceive of it. Notice the TRIPLICITIES. 3x3x3. Three is a very sacred number. The power of the Trinity wove a thread through the entire fabric of this transformative experience.
(1) June 13 – Super New Moon (1)
(2) June 21 – Tropic of Cancer Solstice
(3) June 26-28 – Mars Rx/Full Moon
(1) July 12 – Super New Moon (2)
(3) Aug 11 – Super New Moon (3)

(1) Aug 19-27 – Merc+Mars Direct/Full Moon
(2) Sept 6-9 – New Moon
(3) Sept 18-21 – Equinox/Harvest Moon
OCTOBER 6 – full integration of the Portal
And a new project begins! (Venus+MercRx)
Lasting through the December Solstice
NOVEMBER will be full of magic!

By Carol Ciocco

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