Weekly Horoscope February 12th-18th: Solar Eclipse And New Moon Makes New Beginnings

Every six months, a solar eclipse reminds us of its power. In 2018, the eve of the first solar eclipse aligns with Valentine’s Day! Use this transformative energy by giving yourself the gift of new relationship beliefs. Speaking of new, our zodiac seasons change on Sunday when the sun finishes its flight in the Aquarius skies and takes its deep dive in the waters of Pisces. Get ready!


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Feeling both romance and friendship, Ram? Valentine’s Day puts hearts in your eyes and inspires you to open your heart to romantic, intimate partners who feel like close friends — best of both worlds. Sunday’s start to Pisces season is your month-long journey of closure, surrender, and detox. Take a social sabbatical and rest.


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You’re happily dating your career, Bull. You’re still a romantic, but Valentine’s Day will inspire you to be the MVP at work so you can share your professional fulfillment and wholeness with a special someone later. This weekend, you’ll connect to team Taurus. Experiences on friendship, community, and support will guide your next month.


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Gemini, the universe’s microphone is in your hands. You have something to speak on and Valentine’s Day will prove to be your moment for showtime. Maybe that means an emotional confession? Or a creative reveal? This weekend, your focus becomes more career-oriented. The next month guarantees you opportunities to shine in big ways.


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Can you handle the truth, Cancer? Align your emotional honesty with what you’re asking for (and acting on) this Valentine’s Day. Your courage will inspire the Universe to manifest your honest desires. Grab your passport and get ready to jet. This Sunday begins a monthlong international tour in cross-cultural exploration and higher learning.


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The royal wedding comes early for you, Leo. Valentine’s Day is your moment to declare and experience your most romantic love under the Solar Eclipse; a major romantic turning point is sure to come. Sunday begins your adventure into radical truth, transformation, and some ~steamy~ sexual healing. Get the “Do Not Disturb” sign ready.


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A sexy Valentine’s Day is lovely, but you’re focused on a different ménage-à-trois: health, mindfulness, and organization. You’re committed to personal growth and self-development, which is your launching point for Sunday, as it begins the most romantic time of your year. Now that you’re at your best, you’re ready to share your fullness.


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Lucky Libra, Valentine’s Day aligns perfectly to your desires! It’s your evening for emotional expression, romance, and pleasure. When it happens, own your worthiness and lean in to joy. School starts early on Sunday as you begin your month-long semester on personal growth, nutrition, and wellness.


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This Valentine’s Day, home is where your Scorpio heart is. You’ll feel the desire to merge emotional security with romantic suitors. Make peace with vulnerability, transparency, and proactive communication, since Sunday commences your month-long pursuit of joy, pleasure, and claiming your worthiness. It won’t be easy, but it will be great.


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All that you are is a result of what you’re thinking, Centaur. That begs the question: where’s your mind at on Valentine’s Day? Keep your thoughts as optimistic, available to others, and intelligent as possible so your personality embodies them. Sunday begins a month of soul-searching. You’ll discover what makes your home, heart, and feelings safe.


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Trust me, Seagoat. There is no security “out there.” Valentine’s Day is your moment to claim an inner personal security, a feeling that remains unattached to dependence on external circumstance. Related: Sunday begins a month of learning practices on effective communication and listening for you.


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The Eclipse is yours, Waterbearer! What are your birthday wishes? Declare them without fear on Valentine’s Day, whether they be personal and romantic or professional and financial … or both! Leave no space in your life without a loving, joyful intention. Sunday begins your abundance tour, so make way for the money, baby.


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Closure is always a gift you give yourself, Pisces. Fall in love with letting go and new beginnings on Valentine’s Day. Imagine all the low-level swamps you want to swim away from and prepare for safer shores, since Sunday is the start to Pisces Season! Your motivation, focus, and drive returns just in time for your birthday month.

Source: cosmopolitan

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