Your 5 Worst Habits, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever noticed that you have a tendency towards certain bad habits, while your friends might be more caught up in others? Believe it or not, this may have something to do with common bad habits, based on your zodiac sign. Depending on your personality, and which traits are most common for your sign, you might be prone to overworking or stressing out, while your friend might struggle with something completely different, like overspending and being super impulsive.

While everyone has a bad habit or two or three — and that’s OK — it can help to look into why. “Each sign has a specific ruling planet and place within the Zodiac,” professional astrologer Rachel Lang tells Bustle. “They also have unique combinations of elements (earth, air, fire, or water), or qualities (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). They have different go-to strategies for handling life’s stressors and pressures.”

As with all self-discovery type things, learning more about the bad habits associated with your sign — if they happen to ring true — can mean getting to the bottom of what ails you, and working on improving habits that might be holding you back. If you tend overwork or overspend, for example, finding out why you feel compelled to do so can mean doing it less often.

Here are a few bad habits that astrologers say are common to each sign, that you may notice in yourself, as well as how to turn things around so you can handle life in a healthier way.

1Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Swearing: Do you curse like a sailor, especially when it’s not necessarily appropriate? “Aries has a very expressive way with words,” Lang says. “They want to communicate their point with emphasis.” And while it’s not usually a big deal, this habit may get you in trouble.

Acting without thinking: As astrologer Lisa Allen, MH tells Bustle, “This has gotten [Aries] into hot water more than a few times, and has likely caused accidents or at the very least needing to do something all over again because it wasn’t done right.”

Interrupting: “When Aries has something to say, they feel a drive to speak, even if someone else is talking,” Lang says.

Twirling their hair: Lang tells Bustle, Aries often has an obsession with hair, and that can lead to a hair twirling habit. Definitely not the worst thing in the world, but does it sound familiar?

Drinking too much coffee: While there’s nothing wrong with drinking coffee, drinking too much of it can be a symptom of [Aries’] overly ambitious nature, Lang says.

If any of these issues bother you, never fear. “Aries could end unhealthy habits by taking deep breaths and really listening to others,” Lang says. Doing so will help Aries better handle stress-induced habits, like interrupting and impulsivity.

2Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Tina Gong/Taurus

Saying no immediately: Do you blurt out “no” before someone’s even finished asking you for a favor? “While you have terrific boundaries because of this habit, you can be saying ‘no’ to amazing opportunities if you are not fully listening and opening your possibilities,” Allen says.

Shopping too often: Go ahead and shop whenever you like, but remember to keep your credit card balance in check. Lang tells Bustle that Taurus often turns to retail therapy to deal with their problems, and doing so can really mess them up financially.

Jaw clenching: Taurus folks often have a habit of grinding their teeth and clenching their jaws, Lang says — especially when stressed.

Being rigid: If you have a favorite way of doing things, no one can sway you or convince you to try something new. “As a fixed sign, you tend to be very rigid and fixed in your routines,” Allen says.

Fearing change: As Lang says, Taurus has a pretty hard time with change, and thus tries to avoid it at all costs.

Since that fear of change can be what’s leading Taurus into these bad habits, Taurus should look for ways to handle emotions in a healthier way. “Taurus could benefit from meditation and community when these habits present themselves,” Lang says. “A lunch date with a good friend would feed the soul more than a [monetary] splurge.”

3Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Gossiping: “Gemini loves a good story, and they tell the best ones. However, this can lead them into gossip,” Lang says.

Obsessively checking their phone: Is your phone attached to your hand? If so, you’re like a lot of people, but especially like your fellow Geminis, says Lang.

Getting distracted: Everyone gets distracted, but Lang says this habit is often a big problem for Gemini. Do you zone out while someone’s telling you a story, for example?

Feeling scattered: In the same vein, Allen tells Bustle, it’s common for Geminis to feel scattered. “And this can make [them] run late everywhere.”

Getting bored easily: “As a result, they are always on the move,” Lang says.

If any of these habits have caused issues in your life, it’s totally possible to turn things around. “Their habits play out when they have too much going on,” Lang says. “They could benefit from practicing mindfulness and being truly present, in conversation and in anything they do.”

4Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Watching too much TV: Lang tells Bustle it’s highly likely Cancers have a Netflix addiction. “A quiet night at home is Cancer’s comfort zone.” Staying in is OK, but it’s good to get out every once in a while too.

Complaining: Everyone needs to vent, but Lang says Cancer often takes it to the extreme.

Holding things in: “Cancer can hold in frustration or resentment,” Lang says. “This can lead to some negative thinking or complaining.”

Being extra sensitive: It’s good to be sensitive, but being overly sensitive cause undue stress. “They can be so sensitive, and when intense emotions arise, Cancer looks for comfort to quell those feels,” Lang says. Often in ways that aren’t healthy.

Holding onto clutter: “While this talent is something that makes you a good collector of antiques and vintage goods, hanging onto things that have outworn their use because you attach memories to them can weigh heavy in your home, as well as emotionally,” Allen says.

Are you holding things in, or feeling down? “Cancer can benefit from talking through emotional experiences with a therapist or good friend,” Lang says. “This keeps them from withdrawing into a sad place. When they can connect with others, feel seen and heard, they can change those unhealthy habits.”

5Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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Fearing change: Change can be scary, but Leos often take this fear to the extreme and hold onto the past at all costs. “This can lead to problems for Leo, especially if they are in a dead-end relationship or unsatisfying job,” Lang says. “They can feel stuck.”

Oversharing online: It’s totally fine to be into social media, and to share thoughts and photos online. But is there a chance you’re going overboard? “If Leo is looking for a distraction, they can find it online,” Lang says. “This can be time-consuming, though, and Leo may find a decrease in productivity.”

Feeling insecure: While not a bad habit, per se, it is important to keep in mind how often you can get hung up the details of your appearance. “Leo likes to look their best,” Lang says. “They can obsess about every detail.”

Tanning: Leo loves sunlight, since the Sun is Leo’s ruling heavenly body. “Therefore, SPF is a cosmetic essential for every Leo,” Lang says. “Tanning can be rough on your skin over time.”

Taking things personally: Allen tells Bustle that Leo’s feelings are easily hurt, which can cause them to take every little thing personally — even if it wasn’t someone’s intention to hurt them.

If you feel like your bad habits are affecting you regularly, check in with yourself emotionally. “If Leos do not get these needs met, they can act out in unhealthy ways,” Lang says.

6Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Offering unsolicited advice: Often this comes off as criticism, Lang tells Bustle. So be careful with how and when you offer advice.

Worrying: Virgos often have a perfectionist streak, and that can lead to worry. “All that troubleshooting can put [Virgo] into a state of permanent damage control, which can attract (you guessed it) more damage to control,” Allen says.

Procrastinating: Virgos are often so worried about doing everything right, that it can occasionally lead to procrastinating, Lang tells Bustle.

Negative self-talk: Again, due to Virgo’s tendency toward perfectionism, Lang says Virgo may beat themselves up when things don’t go 100 percent the way they planned.

Nit-picking: Allen tells Bustle that Virgo have an eye for detail, but that Virgo takes it too far, often to the point they get into arguments with others who aren’t doing thing the way they’d do them.

“Virgo can get caught up in the details of life,” Lang says. “They could benefit from seeing the big picture, relaxing, and enjoying life. They are highly creative, and having a creative outlet helps a Virgo let go of any need for control.”

7Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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Spending money: Libra is another sign that often turns to retail therapy, Lang tells Bustle. So watch your spending habits if you’re a libra who likes to splurge!

Name dropping: “Libra loves their social circle,” Lang says. “They also love being among influencers.” But, as we all know, that’s not always received well.

Flaking out: Do you have a hard time saying no? “Libra likes to please others, and often they give a half-hearted yes to others,” Lang says. “This can lead them to an overcommitted schedule.”

Falling in love too quickly: Allen tells Bustle it’s common for Libras to fall in love with the idea of a person, and not who they actually are. “[Libras] are romantic, but not in the way a Cancer is,” she says. So make sure you’re in it for the right reasons.

People-pleasing: “They will go out of the way to avoid conflict,” Lang says.

If this sound familiar, what can you do? “Libra could take a lesson from Aries, their astrological counterpart, and be a little more [focused on themselves] from time to time,” Lang says. “This would help them avoid the stress of trying to make everyone else happy.”

8Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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Obsessing: Scorpio is the sign that obsesses the most, Lang says. Over pretty much everything.

Being controlling: “Scorpio may feel a need to control everything in their lives, and this can lead to challenges in relationships, especially,” Lang says.

Fearing failure: Nobody likes to fail, but Lang says the thought can keep a Scorpio up at night.

Being secretive: Scorpios have a hard time opening up, Allen tells Bustle. This can affect Scorpios in relationships, where Scorpios might come off as sneaky or closed off.

Having high expectations: “[A Scorpio’s] loyalty cannot be questioned,” Allen says. “However, [their] threshold of intensity is not where most people operate, and they can think [a Scorpio] is too demanding.”

The best way to deal with this fear of opening up, and all the bad habits that can result? “Scorpio can benefit from meditation to help with their obsessive thoughts,” Lang says. And being a little more trusting of their partners.

9Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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Gambling: This habit can become a big issue for Sagittarius, and Lang says it may even turn into an addiction.

Saying what they don’t mean: “Sagittarius doesn’t mean to offend anyone, but they can have a habit of speaking without thinking,” Lang says. “They can accidentally speak without filtering their thoughts.”

Overworking: According to Lang, Sagittarius has a tendency to work a little too hard. Do you stay at the office ’til all hours, and burn out on the regular? Join the Sagittarius club.

Breaking promises: “Sagittarius loves their freedom and do not like to be fenced in. Because of this, they can go off at any time onto a new project or idea, and forget their prior commitments, letting a lot of people down,” Allen says.

Being impatient: Sagittarius has big ideas, but often go after them without a plan, Allen says. That’s fine in general, but it can make getting things accomplished a little bit difficult.

Sound familiar? Then make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and your boundless energy, by taking on a hobby but also taking time to rest. “Sagittarius needs physical outlets,” Lang says.

10Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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Being in their heads: Allen says Capricorns are problem solvers, and often get lost in their thoughts. But sometimes it’s OK to just let life happen, without planning every little thing.

Criticizing themselves: “This is a big one for Capricorn,” Lang says. “They can be quite hard on themselves.”

Working too hard: Do you live in your office? “Balance is helpful for Capricorn,” Lang says. “They often need to be reminded to have fun.”

Fearing the worst: Out of all your friends, you may have the greatest predisposition to negativity, says Lang.

Drinking too much coffee: Capricorns are another sign that tends to have a coffee addiction. “To keep up with their busy schedules, Capricorn can develop a caffeine habit,” Lang says.

The best way to cope with your busy life, and your negative self talk? Take good care of yourself, and if more than one person calls you a “workaholic,” take it as a sign.

11Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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Obsessing about the news: As Aquarius cares a lot about the goings on of the world — but often to a degree that stresses them out. “Aquarius can get wrapped up in new stories and lose faith in the world,” Lang says.

Gaming: If you’re spending too much time gaming, make sure you balance this hobby with doing other things. As Lang says, “Aquarius can get lost in a whole other tech world.”

Spending too much time online: Related to the above, Aquarius might also find themselves going down rabbit holes online. “They can lose hours looking at their Instagram feed or reading blogs,” Lang says.

Staying up late: If you go to bed at 2 a.m. every night, take note. Aquarius isn’t always the best at taking care of their health,” Lang says. “Their minds are usually so engaged, they can forget to eat, stay up too late, or not get enough exercise.

Spacing out: Aquarius has five other conversations going on in their heads at the same time, Lang says. And this can cause them to seem rudely zoned out during convos.

If you think your habits could use an overhaul, take this moment to rethink ways to take better care of yourself. Could you stand to go to bed a little earlier tonight? Then go ahead and give it a try.

12Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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Daydreaming: Pisces are the queens and kings of daydreaming. As Allen says, Pisces have “access to a beautiful and rich fantasy world, which often inspires [them] to create art, music, stories, and other wonders of the imagination.” But there is a time and a place, you know?

Overspending: Pisces can be idealistic about their finances, which can lead to debt, Lang tells Bustle. “They benefit from practical budgeting or help from a bookkeeper or accountant.”

Procrastinating: If you don’t want to do something, it can be tough to get the ball rolling. Lang says procrastination is often a big issue for Pisces.

Drinking too much: It’s perfectly OK to have a drink or two with dinner, but some Pisces may take things too far, says Allen. “Besides [their] amazing creative abilities, look into meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices that have better side-effects,” Allen says.

Not committing: Pisces aren’t big into making promises, but even if they do they tend to break them, Allen tells Bustle.

Of course, not all these will apply to your sign. But if any of these sound familiar, it might be a sign that you need to take better care of yourself. “Pisces adopts bad habits when the real world becomes too overwhelming,” Lang says. “They are super sensitive to others’ emotions and thoughts, and they may need coping strategies to manage all of these contrasting feelings. Healthy strategies can include journaling, writing, painting, or talking with good friends.”

It just goes to show that no matter what bad habit you have, it is possible to turns things around and improve, if you feel like it’s holding you back or negatively impacting your life. Often all it takes is a little self-awareness, and a few healthy changes to your routine.

Source: bustle

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